Monday, February 11, 2008


Since out last post, Kaitlyn has successfully reached a full dose of her 2nd medication, Zonegran. She is responding remarkably well!

We have been seizure free since February 2!

It's truly amazing. She has been doing so well that Dr. Olson has begun to wean her off of the 1st medication - phenobarbital. We have an 18 week plan to reduce her doses to 0. If she continues to do well with a reduced dose of phenobarbital, we can stick to the 18 week plan. Kaitlyn has started crawling - more like an Army crawl right now. She's also quite a chatterbox. We always wonder what she's trying to say - but she has a lot to say :) Thank you for your prayers & we'll keep you posted on all of the wonderful progress!