Monday, September 29, 2008

A new class and a new bug

Kaitlyn started the Jr Toddler class last week. Since she's not walking, it wasn't a safe place for her, but now she can surely hold her own. She's really thriving in this classroom.

Friday night we had out first bout with a stomach bug. WOW - this was not fun. It's so hard to see her go through that and not be able to tell us what's wrong or when it's coming. Thankfully, she's feeling better. But still not eating hardly anything. I am sure this will improve.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Kaitlyn took her first steps today! We are so proud!! So here's how it happened. We go on a walk every night after dinner. Tonight, as usual, we practiced moving from Mommy to Daddy. And sure enough, Kaitlyn took 4 steps right into her Daddy's arms. It was a magical moment!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A secret reveled...

A secretly want a minivan. There, I've said it. I kind of, sort of, want a minivan. Fuel economy, ease of access, I don't need to go on. I wrote this so you can either talk me into it or out of it. I can't believe I just wrote this.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A makeover and a new blog!

I'm embarrassed to see that I haven't written since June... I have no excuse! I have been re-inspired to write!

First, I have to show off an old favorite picture of lil' KatieCakes

Kaitlyn has come so far... Her 6 month neurology check up was amazing. Dr. Olson said that in his 29 years of practice, he's only seen 2 patients respond to Zonegran. Kaitlyn is 1 of those 2. Amazing! He's 90% sure of a diagnosis. BMEI - Benign Myoclonic Epilepsy in Infancy. This means that it is only present in infancy and will not appear again. Dr. Olson wants her to be seizure free for 1 year until she can come off medicine. Since she's been seizure free since February, we only have 4 months to go. It brings tears to my eyes just to write those words. We truly feel she's been healed by the hands of God.

Kaitlyn is moving all over the place... She's taking walks with us holding onto our hands. Her stepping continues to improve. And she loves her push toys!