Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Our meeting with Dr. Olson

Today was our first meeting with Dr. Olson at Emory Children's Center. They started by taking several stats - weight (21.5 lbs!), height, head circumference, etc. Dr. Olson began by asking us about the episodes we saw in Kaitlyn. We described them the best we could. He said they were not typical, but did say that they were NOT occurring 8 times per minute. He confirmed her only episodes were the ones we saw - approx. 15-20 per day.

When we were initially told the frequency, we were concerned we wouldn't know when there was improvement with medication. We were very happy to find out the seizures we saw were the only ones she was having. That being said, we are thrilled that the medication is helping all of the seizures!

Dr. Olson said Kaitlyn's MRI results were normal. There were no lesions and no surgery was required. He did say that there is abnormal development in Kaitlyn's brain causing the seizures and the slow rate of her development. He was very clear that the seizures were not causing the slow development. His first priority is to stop the seizures. He was very pleased that she's responding to the phenobarbital. As far as her development goes - we'll have to wait and see.

Kaitlyn will have her blood level checked next week to ensure the proper level of medication. We will meet with Dr. Olson every 3-4 months to check Kaitlyn's progress.

We are very excited to know the seizures are less frequent and will continue to work with lil' KatieCakes to achieve all of her milestones! Thank you again for all of your thoughts & prayers!


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