Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Seizures & EEG

After a few weeks of noticing an increase in Kaitlyn's seizures, we turned in her seizure diary to Dr. Olson. The seizures used to happen in a split second with one or two jerks (around 10-15 sets per day). Now, they happen at least 6 times per day, but with 4-8 jerks.

The seizure seems like it lasts an eternity for us, but in reality it's only a couple of seconds. The main difference is we have time to react to the seizure (or in my case, think about panicking).

We are having a second EEG done tomorrow AM at the request of her doctor. We were please to see that instead of another medication increase. Hopefully the EEG will give Dr. Olson more clues and maybe there's another medication that will help Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn is still the happiest little girl around. She's been blossoming so much since her birthday. She says Mamamama and Babababab. It's so cute to hear her little voice. Especially when she looks at Josh as says, "Ma-ma-ma". She's also putting little cereal puffs in her mouth without help.

We will keep you posted as soon as we hear results.

Happy New Year!!

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