Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Long overdue update!

Since our last update, so much has changed! Kaitlyn's weekly physical therapy is working wonders! She's really using her legs more & more. She's cruising along furniture and picking up her feet. Her right leg is a little stronger than her left. We use 1lb ankle weights to help strengthen her legs while crawling and cruising 10 minutes per day. She doesn't seemed phased by them at all.

Kaitlyn can also lower herself down from a standing (holding onto the table) position to a sitting position.

Her physical therapist thinks that she'll be walking by November. That will be very exciting ~ carrying around 24+lbs is getting hard :) Kaitlyn has already beat her goal of crawling up the stairs - she's beat this goal by 1 month! Walking may come sooner! :)

You can hardly tell Kaitlyn had surgery near her eye. Her scar is getting much lighter along her brow line.

Kaitlyn's speech therapy is going to be delayed by about a month. She's going to need tubes in her ears to help drain fluid. We discovered this after several failed hearing tests. The tubes will also help her balance!
Also, Kaitlyn is 100% off of her 1st seizure medication and still seizure free for 4 months!

She continues to be such a ray of sunshine. She's always happy and loves to laugh at her daddy and the puppies.

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